What's their name? Do they have any nicknames? How old are they chronologically, and how old do they appear? Physical characteristics, standard clothing and equipment Secondary characteristics - accent, tone of voice, mannerisms, ticks etc Emotional characteristics - are they prone to getting angry/laid back/investigative/despondent etc, personal prejudices? How do their emotional characteristics affect how they interact with people/groups? Does your character have any significant personal items? Alignment, motivation and needs? ​What's your character's personality/social/environmental flaw? Does your character want to change their flaw? If so, how? What were the defining moments/events from their history? What do they most fear? Has your character ever been arrested? What for? Has your character ever crossed anyone? Do they have any secrets? Who have they told, if anyone? Where are they from? Do they have relevant cultural associations/quirks? How patriotic & nationalistic are they? What was their childhood like? Who are their parents & siblings, and husband/wife/significant other? Status of immediate family (including any children) and friends - alive/dead/missing What's their profession and hobbies? Do they have a religious affiliation, and if so what is it and how strong? What are their major personal beliefs/ideologies? Do they have favourite foods/drinks? Why are they here, specifically? What are they looking to get out of the adventure?